We reported on the story from the Portland Tribune last September about a woman who purchased a home and found $122,000 in cash under the floor boards. It started a two-year legal battle over who owned the funds - - they buyer or the seller? (At this stage in the battle it's the buyer.)
Now again comes a story from Portland about a man who found a package in a recently purchased house that contained historic war and U.S. bonds dating back to the 40s worth almost $200,000.
His first reaction:
“I think the biggest one was probably greed,” he said, laughing.
But the man, Nicholas Grod, realized they weren't his and started researching the original owner of the house. Wilbert Petterson bought the house in 1927. According to the Tribune, he was a firefighter who had a wife and two daughters, all deceased. But he found an obituary led to a grandson named Thomas Fagg living in Tulsa, OK.
“I was really specific with him too to say, ‘You know, this is not a joke. I’m not just prank calling you,’ ” Grod said about the phone call he made to the stranger.
Grod sent him the bonds, pictures of a grandfather he never knew and a letter earlier this month.
“I’m giving you this freely because of my trust in the great universe and the belief that it’s the right thing to do,” Grod wrote to him.
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